
Enter to Win my Beauty and Fashion Blogger Media Kit Giveaway

I can’t believe we are officially live!  I’m so incredibly proud of this new site and how it reflects the experience I want each and every one of you to have when you visit the new and improved Musings of a Curvy Lady.

Being able to create the digital space that I envisioned means so much and I couldn’t have done it without my graphic designer and friend, Vanessa Cabrera.  We have a lot more in store to create together so you definitely need to stay in the know of all of our lovely creations.

I know a lot of you that visit Musings of a Curvy Lady are creatives as well.  Some of you are up and coming micro bloggers and some of you have this idea in your head and you don’t know what to do with it.

I’ve been there — believe me.  Girl, I’m still there but I have learned a thing or two in the past *eeek!  6 years of blogging and I want to help.

It’s been a fun and exciting week of Instagram Giveaways but for my last one I wanted to do something really special; something I wish I could have had when I first started out blogging.  I want to give away a prize that would combine beauty, fashion and blogging all in one for one of my loyal followers.

Soooo…. one person is going to win a beauty package of my favorite items from IT Cosmetics — over $200 value, a $250 gift card to my favorite plus size brand ELOQUII and finally, a 1- hour blog talk session with me via FaceTime or Skype and a custom designed 2 page media kit from my graphic designer, Vanessa Cabrera.

Blogging is a fun hobby but one that can cost a lot of money, especially for someone just starting out.  I wanted to include things that can help someone feel more confident as they navigate through this digital space.

Not only will you be winning some amazing award winning beauty products and clothes but this is your opportunity to get a one-on-one session with me, where you can pick my brain on all things brand building and blogging related.

I will also help you design your media kit with Vanessa so it expresses what you want to say to the world and make sure it has all the important facts and need-to-know information about you and your brand.

Enter the giveaway below.  Unfortunately this giveaway is only open to US Residents.  All required fields must be completed for an official entry.  Winner will be contacted via email on October 1st 2018.


IT Cosmetics, ELOQUII, Blogger Giveaway, Musings of a Curvy Lady

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Stay Lovely!

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27 thoughts on “Enter to Win my Beauty and Fashion Blogger Media Kit Giveaway

  1. Hi Thammar, It wouldn’t let me comment from the contest. But I want you to know how much you’ve encouraged me as a plus-size woman! I really do believe that beauty does come in all shapes and sizes. I hope you can help me with my brand and up the glam! Love you, Thammar. Keep doing what you do!


  2. This is an awesome giveaway! I’d like to won’t ghis giveaway because I’m a micro blogger and I love learning new things. I’d love to connect with you and gain more insight on your blogger journey and am thankful that you took the time to have this contest. You’re content is amazing!!

  3. This giveaway looks amazing! I have been thinking about starting a blog but have so many questions I want answered before I would feel confident enough to start.

  4. This giveaway looks amazing! I’ve only thought about starting a blog but I have so many questions I feel I need answered before I feel confident enough to start.

  5. It would mean so much to win this giveaway! I want to build a brand a woman who empowers other women to break out of their “big” mentality. The one that says we aren’t allowed to take up space or feel worthy of love, acceptance or goals. I’m working on losing weight, and knowing I will have to buy new clothes— that gift card will really help! Thank you sooo much!

  6. Thamarr! Thank you so much for hosting this amazing giveaway and for continuing to encourage and inspire women. I really love that your giveaway incorporates both beauty and blogging which many of us small start our bloggers really need. Especially to get a head start in the fashion blogging world. I’ve been struggling to launch a blog for years and only recently started really pushing and telling myself that I can do this. To be able to chat with you would be so helpful and exciting at the same time! Thank again for this wonderful opportunity! xoxo!

  7. Good afternoon lovely,
    I would love to win this giveaway because being a tomboy for most of my life has led me to have to re-discover my femininity which is hard when you just have Youtube to learn from. This giveaway seems like a makeover and I am so in need of one and maybe that can inspire the next who may be going through a lot and feels that they cannot compete with the fashionistas and models!!

  8. I would love to win this contest because I think that it will give me a much needed push. I purchased a domain name a few years ago, but I have yet to find my voice. It was a way for me to open up and share. I think this will help with motivation.

  9. I fell in love with IT make-up a few years ago. I would love to have it again! Good luck in all you do! I just love your posts!

  10. Hello Darling to you too!
    I’ve never been one into makeup but lately I’ve been interested in giving it a try. This giveaway would be just what I need to get started. And I’m working on going live with a blog of my own by end of this year. To chat with you would give me the insights of all things blogging. Thanks for the opportunity!

  11. Wow! This is an amazing opportunity to give back to the small bloggers! I just love your entire platform and personality and I pray many blessing and open doors for you. As a small blogger, trying to fund my quirky ideas can be very expensive, especially when you’re starting out and getting noticed! So thank you for providing a stepping stool! I pray to give back like you when I get to this level.

  12. This is such an amazing opportunity and I thank you being a huge blessing! As a small blogger, you’re right, it can be very expensive, especially starting out, trying to put your all into growing a platform and then getting noticed.
    This will be a great opportunity for me to get all my ideas that I scribble down everyday out only blog!! I love fashion, natural hair, and I’m newly married and I’m expanding my blog to married life and how I’m debunking people’s negativity towards marriage and showing them it can be a beautiful thing! You’re amazing for offering this amazing opportunity.

  13. I’ve been interested in blogging for a while. I would love to win this because I’m not sure where to start. Thanks!❤️

  14. Subscribed to your YouTube channel. I thought I already commented by I don’t see it so here it goes again. Lol

    I would like to win this giveaway to aid me in my branding/Influencer journey. I am following a idea that started off as a journey of self love. I am most excited about the opportunity to pick your brain!

    With love,

  15. I subscribed to your YouTube channel.

    I would like to win this giveaway to aid in my branding/influencer journey. I’m in the beginning stages of following an idea that started off as a journey of self love. I’m most excited about the opportunity to pick your brain!

    With love,


  16. This is an amazing giveaway! I’d especially like to win the time speaking to you because in about to start a blog and have so many questions. And the media kit feels like the whipped cream and cherry on top! Thank you.

  17. Hey girl 💛

    First of all, thank you for sharing all your beautiful things with us, whether it’s cute fashion or wise advice in some of your YouTube videos. Secondly, thank you for sharing opportunities like this giveaway to help uplift us 💓
    I made a mistake and clicked that I commented when I was signing up for the giveaway so I decided to come on here and comment here instead. I would love to win this giveaway because it would help push me in the right direction with my ideas for a blog! I’d love a pretty, safe space for women to come together to share stories and self love advice. I’d also love to create a beautiful space where international students, like myself (Tanzanian studying in Canada), can share ideas and wisdom on how to bloom & blossom into independent women away from home. The make up portion is fun and stylish because I’ll get to practice with different techniques as a beginner. Thanks for this opportunity 💛

    1. I’ve been working on creating my own beauty business for a long time thru instagram and facebook. Unfortunately I have made little progress. Despite my love for fashion and beauty, I just can’t seem to gain the traction Id like to see. I am a full time pioneer, and work full time. My abilities to spend extra time on this passion of mine is difficult so any extra help would be so incredible. Ive followed you for a long time and have enjoyed seeing your journey! I can only hope I could win something so special! Thank you for doing this exciting giveaway!! Xoxo from Cali ❤