
Lessons I Learned in 2020

We are clear on the other side of 2020 and although nothing in the world magically changed when it struck midnight on January 1st, I still remain optimistic to achieving goals that are, God willing, within my reach.

But you know, 2020 was a year of lessons both big and small.  As I reflect on what was the most tumultuous and trialed filled year of my life it did not go without some major life lessons being learned.

If you didn’t know I have a podcast (The Creative Chase) with my friend and photographer Taylor.  We talk about life as creatives and everything life.  In our latest episode we share our the lessons we learned in 2020.

 Below is a quick recap of the lessons I learned, we share 10 each in our episode and go into much more there.  Please head over and give it a listen.

10 Lessons I Learned in 2020

  1. Therapy is really important.  Seeking help is healthy.  It’s like getting an emotional tune up.  Every once and while you need a check in with someone who’s not involved with my life.
  2. I learned that protecting my peace may look negative from the outside looking in but it’s important to say no.
  3. Forgiveness if for you and not the other person.
  4. Love really happens when you least expect it. (Even though I’m no longer with this person I don’t regret being open and accepting to love).
  5. My true worth as a content creator.
  6. Stick to my core values despite the attitude of the world.
  7. I want to stop being a bedside nurse but not stop helping people.
  8. What true friendship means.
  9. Being alone and being lonely are two different things.
  10. Healing isn’t linear.

These aren’t the only lessons I learned from 2020 but these are the ones that definitely stick out in my mind.  I hope you are doing well and can share some lessons that you learned from last year and how you are processing 2021.  Share below.

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Stay Lovely!

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2 thoughts on “Lessons I Learned in 2020

  1. Love your Lessons for Life! We all learn as years go by!
    You are a wise and beautiful woman and I am very proud of you!