Earlier this month I shared the big news that I bought my first home! Working on making my house a home has been, well, a struggle. That’s why I’m so excited to be working with Levity of Levity Interiors to help create the office of my dreams.
My decision to buy a home of my own has been one in the making for years– 10 to be exact.
Moving after graduation from my hometown of Boston to Jacksonville was not the plan. I figured I had a year or two before moving out of state. But circumstances outside of my control brought me to Florida.
New city, new job, new friends. It was a lot of new and I had a lot on my plate that made the idea of venturing out on my own overwhelming and scary. And over the next decade I would start the process of getting my own place multiple times without it coming to fruition. I ended up psyching myself out, crippled by fear and resorted to just making it work with what I had.
In that time I started Musings of a Curvy Lady as a hobby that has turned into a part-time job that I adore.
I love creating content to share on my platforms but the idea of creating over time felt more like a chore than something I would get excited about. My feelings had a lot to do with not having a proper space of my own that I could work and grow in.
After losing my studio rental space and having to haul all of my equipment solo into my mom’s garage I made the decision right then and there; enough was enough.
At that moment I decided that I was going to buy a house so not only I would have my own living space but a creative work space that was my own. No need to haul or store equipment on someone else’s property.
I knew once I got my house the first room that I wanted to fully furnish would be my home office.
This is where I would essentially create the career of my dreams and I needed the space to reflect that. I wanted it to be beautiful and chic but to be honest I was so overwhelmed by the entire process I didn’t know where to begin.
I’m so fortunate to have discovered Levity Interiors via Instagram. Levity is a local design consultant here in Jacksonville and soon after following one another on the ‘gram I fell in love with her gumption and design work. Her and her fiancé Clayton are renovating their second home and it’s amazing to watch the transformation.
One day I decided to email Levity and ask if she would be interested in helping me design a room in my new home.
No answer.
A whole week went by. I was bummed but could understand why. We’re all just so busy.
But I decided to send her a DM just to follow up on the initial email and after just a few moments later, Levity wrote back with an astounding yes! She was so excited to want to collaborate and I was so surprised she said yes.
We immediately got to work starting with answering a design questionnaire and pulling ideas onto a Pinterest board. Levity drafted a design board and after one revision we had our final draft ready to implement.
I can’t believe this is my office! You can watch my initial reaction to seeing it on my YouTube Channel.
I am just over the moon with the final result. It’s beautiful, chic, romantic, feminine and perfectly cozy.
This office means so much more than just a work space. This is where I’m going to make my dreams a reality. I’m so thankful to Levity for taking the thoughts runnings around in my head and helping me create this perfect creative space.


Your home office is beautiful. Happy for you. 🙂
Levity has such an awesome personality, her passion for design is truly inspirational. This space is so gorgeous, congratulations! I cant wait to see the bedroom design!
She really is such beautiful person and it’s so crazy just 3 months ago we were complete strangers and now we are such good friends. I can’t imagine doing this without her.
How awesome! She will soon be my sister, we couldn’t be more thrilled to have her as an addition to our family ❤
What a gift. She’s amazing and I love her so much!
Oh my god, it’s absolutely STUNNING!!! Congrats, you sooo deserve it!
Thank you so much!
Oh wow! How beautiful this room is and embodies your elegance and peace. It’s nice to see God’s promises come to life for such a creative soul. Enjoy your new home and work space. I too, look forward to receiving my first home. You sharing your process has helped me overcome some fears and say “Yes”. Continue to walk in and receive your blessings. Bisous, Samia , New York
Samia thank you so much! I can’t wait to get to work and start creating more.
Oh wow! How beautiful this room is and embodies your elegance and peace. It’s nice to see God’s promises come to life for such a creative soul. Enjoy your new home and work space. I too, look forward to receiving my first home. You sharing your process has helped me overcome some fears and say “Yes”. Continue to walk in and receive your blessings. Bisous, Samia from New York
Beautiful office! I love that it looks like you. Congratulations on your house as well; it happened when you were truly ready to appreciate the moment. To everything there is a season and this is yours.
Thanks for being a style sHERO!
Aww thank you so much Andrea! There is a season for everything. Absolute truth!
Oh my gosh, how amazing for everything to finally come to fruition for you, Thamarr! I love that you shared your story – this home and this space means so much to you! And all these before and afters! 😍 I am so excited to work together again!
I love sharing this with you and I can’t believe we get to do it again. I have so many ideas in my head. Can’t wait to have you over to get down to creating more beautiful rooms.