
Work of Art

Monet.  Degas. Greco. Rembrandt.  World renown individuals that have left their mark with a stroke of a paint brush.  If you ever have the opportunity to see one of their works in person it truly is an amazing feeling.  I wonder if those artists had known at the time that their talent and creative works would be so impressionable to the world.

I’ve never considered myself talented in the sense that I could write a moving lyric or paint a picture that brings tears to your eyes but I do think I have a hidden talent.  I consider appreciating talent to be a noteworthy talent.  I can appreciate a work of art whether it is on the wall at the Met or stage play, listening to an acoustic cover or in the pages of Vogue or the street fashions of Jacksonville.  But I think the most important and impressionable work of art that I can critique and appreciate is the one that I see in the mirror.  My body.  My naked body in fact.

Accepting my body for all that it is — an imperfect work of art has been a journey filled of ah-ha moments and epic failures that have carved, shaped and molded me into the person that I am today.  This person that I have become has allowed me to be content and happy in this body — now.  Not waiting till I’ve reached a goal weight or if my butt was just a little bit smaller.  Seeing my body as beautiful is not going to depend on ever having that coveted thigh gap.  Chub rub for life.

Although this talent of mine might be seen as unconventional or not even a real talent at all — I don’t think that should take away from its significance.  Every young impressionable girl needs positive body acceptance so that they can grow up to be strong and fearless women.  Being confident and comfortable in your own skin — now that’s talent!

While I was in NYC my fabulous friend Elizabeth Golden of J’adore Studios and I did a shoot at the famous Metropolitan Museum of Art.  It was fun posing as a work of art in such hallowed halls.  Thank you Liz for the beautiful pictures!

Musings of a Curvy Lady, Plus Size Fashion , PS Blogger, PS Fashion Blogger, All White Outfit, Women's Fashion, Winter White, MET, New York City, Met, Body Positive

Musings of a Curvy Lady, Plus Size Fashion , PS Blogger, PS Fashion Blogger, All White Outfit, Women's Fashion, Winter White, MET, New York City, Met, Body Positive

Musings of a Curvy Lady, Plus Size Fashion , PS Blogger, PS Fashion Blogger, All White Outfit, Women's Fashion, Winter White, MET, New York City, Met, Body Positive

Musings of a Curvy Lady, Plus Size Fashion , PS Blogger, PS Fashion Blogger, All White Outfit, Women's Fashion, Winter White, MET, New York City, Met, Body Positive

Musings of a Curvy Lady, Plus Size Fashion , PS Blogger, PS Fashion Blogger, All White Outfit, Women's Fashion, Winter White, MET, New York City, Met, Body Positive

Musings of a Curvy Lady, Plus Size Fashion , PS Blogger, PS Fashion Blogger, All White Outfit, Women's Fashion, Winter White, MET, New York City, Met, Body Positive

Musings of a Curvy Lady, Plus Size Fashion , PS Blogger, PS Fashion Blogger, All White Outfit, Women's Fashion, Winter White, MET, New York City, Met, Body Positive




Musings of a Curvy Lady, Plus Size Fashion , PS Blogger, PS Fashion Blogger, All White Outfit, Women's Fashion, Winter White, MET, New York City, Met, Body Positive

Musings of a Curvy Lady, Plus Size Fashion , PS Blogger, PS Fashion Blogger, All White Outfit, Women's Fashion, Winter White, MET, New York City, Met, Body Positive

Musings of a Curvy Lady, Plus Size Fashion , PS Blogger, PS Fashion Blogger, All White Outfit, Women's Fashion, Winter White, MET, New York City, Met, Body Positive

Musings of a Curvy Lady, Plus Size Fashion , PS Blogger, PS Fashion Blogger, All White Outfit, Women's Fashion, Winter White, MET, New York City, Met, Body Positive

Musings of a Curvy Lady, Plus Size Fashion , PS Blogger, PS Fashion Blogger, All White Outfit, Women's Fashion, Winter White, MET, New York City, Met, Body Positive

Musings of a Curvy Lady, Plus Size Fashion , PS Blogger, PS Fashion Blogger, All White Outfit, Women's Fashion, Winter White, MET, New York City, Met, Body Positive

Musings of a Curvy Lady, Plus Size Fashion , PS Blogger, PS Fashion Blogger, All White Outfit, Women's Fashion, Winter White, MET, New York City, Met, Body Positive

Sweater/Skirt ::: ASOS
Shoes ::: Just Fab
Clutch ::: Charming Charlie

Stay Lovely Signature
Thanks for reading! Working on a fab giveaway coming soon!

Stay Lovely!

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0 thoughts on “Work of Art

  1. Hey! =) I saw you at the Met and approached you about how beautiful you looked and here I am now on your blog! hehe I love the outfits you put together and it really inspires me to be more adventurous with my wardrobe! Stay beautiful and sweet <3

    1. I’m just seeing your comment Lauren! How funny! Thank you for approaching me then and now! I really do appreciate it! Have fun with your fashion choices. I hope you continue to feel inspired by looks you see here! Thanks again! xx

  2. Honey your style is sick! I love the sweater, the clutch, the shoes! I also love the MET!! Your shoot came out beautiful. I hope you enjoyed your time in NYC!