It seems that the world waits three hundred and sixty five days in order to reset, reignite or resolve to be better. I think waiting all that time is a waste.
I’m always want to be progressing, refining and accomplishing my goals. The thing is that it doesn’t have to begin on January 1st. The real hustle and grind doesn’t wait for the ball to drop.
Goals to be a better you can be sparked by the tiniest flame and when we reach those goal it should be celebrated.
And I’m all about celebrating the small things.
Sometimes we are so focused on celebrating only when we reach that final destination that we forget to acknowlege the progress and accomplishments made along the way.
So when I display patience to that driver that cut me off instead of my usual reaction I will give myself an internal high five.
And when I choose not to react initially to hurtful speech and I wait to calmly respond, I will pop a bottle of bubbly (that I always keep ready in the fridge) and give myself three snaps and a “You go girl!”
Photos by Olivia Morgan Photography
It’s important to focus on small accomplishments! Small things lead to big things! Great post!