“Whoever thought orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed.” — Elle Woods
I’m sorry Elle but I just might have to disagree with you here! Don’t get me wrong — pink is well… PINK and no color can replace it in my heart — it will always be one of my absolute favorite colors but I make it a practice not to get stuck on wearing just one color. Why limit yourself when there’s so many colors to choose from?! I must admit that I probably wouldn’t have chosen this dress at first glance but I’m glad that I decided to try it anyway. That’s what’s great about fashion. It’s a constant journey of successes and failures that ultimately help you evolve — developing and fine tuning your personal style. This entire outfit from head to toe is from Deb and you can shop my favorite items here.

“Once you have found your fashion comfort zone, take a risk.” — Rachel Zoe
Patpicirare!Ziua ideala de Mos Nicolae ar fi daca m-as trezi si as vedea pe hol o multitudine de perechi de incaltari,ca mai apoi sa realizez ca ii am pe toti cei dragi langa mine si ca le pot oferi ceva,chiar daca nu si-au ingrijit pantofiorii! Ador sa-i am pe cei dragi aproape si nu imi place deloc sa ma simt singura,iar ei au grija de acest aspect mereu.
Probably single too ; )
You look so fresh and stunning! You inspire me!!!
Oooh I love that skirt! You look fab, as always 🙂