In grade school I’ve always loved the month of February and not for the reasons you might think. Yes, many consider this the Love Month and will be celebrating theirs on the 14th – but I aim to celebrate my love for my family and friends everyday of the year by being the best daughter, sister and friend. I figure you can usually count on having successful relationships if you give your best and try to keep an open heart and mind — eager to love and most of all ready to forgive. And having meaningful relationships is something to celebrate everyday – whether you say I love you, send a “just because” card in the mail or keeping your friends in your personal prayers.
But anywho, I digress — February is also Black History Month! I was such a geek when it came to school but when February rolled around …. girrrrrrrl it was on! I was notoriously known to write essays, poems, stories and make shoe box panoramas about my favorite people in Black History– all of which was done extra, unassigned and of my own volition. I know my teachers were tired of me handing in my latest project especially when I would ask for time to share what I had learned with my classmates. Black history became so significant to me as a child because my parents always shared it in reverence — the good and the bad. But I knew at a very early age that this history — my history was something to be well informed in, respected –that it was something to be proud of. I remember how Ida B. Wells and Harriet Tubman were just as important to me as Punky Brewster or Kimberly The Pink Power Ranger. Regardless of your color — taking the time to reflect on the lives of those men and women both known and especially the ones unknown to history are deserving of celebration.

Purse ::: Bought on Canal Street Vendor, NYC
Necklace ::: NY2YOU (Get 15% off using the code CURVYLADY15)
Spiked Bracelets ::: Deb
Sandals ::: Shoe Dazzle